Nollywood actor, Jim Iyke’s fans have reacted after he visited the Governor of Kogi state, Yahaya Bello. In a post on his Instagram page, Jim Iyke revealed he visited Yahaya Bello in his office with his team to for a discussion. But his fans felt the visit wasn’t needed and blasted both Jim and the Governor. A fan identified as king_uzorma wrote: Pls tell him to govern his people well,people are really suffering in that state cos of unpaid civil servants salaries. Another fans wrote: He’s not affable biko…… I come in peace Kinf_fibonacci_tattoos wrote: Jim that Governor is one of the worst in naija… Sharing the photo Jim wrote: Took my team for a meeting with the affable Governor of Kogi state, H.E Yahaya Adoza Bello for our new project. The dawn of a new vision beckons. Good day. My bro @@kingdavidm633 #TheCatalyst#ABJBIZLIFECHRONICLES
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