Nollywood actor and model, Alexx Ekubo and former Big Brother Africa winner, Uti Nwachukwu have settled their rift. The reconciliation comes after Nwachukwu was alleged by a blogger to have been the brain behind the breakup between Ekubo and his ex-fiancée, Fancy. In what seems like a silent makeup, Nwachukwu took the first step by commenting on a post Ekubo shared on Sunday about being a good human being. He wrote: “I asked a wise man, “ Tell me sir, in which field can i make a great career ?” There is a huge opportunity in this area & very little competition.” Reacting to Nwachukwu’s comment, Ekubo replied in Igbo to appreciate him for commenting on his post. Netizens, however, have reacted to their comments by expressing happiness that the two finally settled their rift and chose peace.
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