Nigerian Actor and Comedian, Afeez Oyetoro, popularly known as ‘Saka’ has affirmed that the Girl-Child has a great future in Nigeria. Oyetoro made the assertion in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on the sidelines of the unveiling of the Advocacy Films in Lagos. According to him, the girl-child in Nigeria, unlike in times past, is competing with her male counterparts in the education sector as well as other spheres. “There is a better future for the girl-child in Nigeria unlike before where girls were not allowed to go to school. “In those days the girl child was forced into early marriage. “Now, parents have seen the need for education of the girl-child,” Oyetoro said. He urged female students to be of good behaviour at home, on campus and to remain focused in their pursuit of education. According to Oyetoro, who is also a teacher at the Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education, Ijaniki, there are more girls than boys in most of the classrooms in the school.
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