Major Hollywood film studios are halting the releases of their upcoming movies in Russia, including Disney’s latest Pixar film and Warner Brothers’ “The Batman,” in protest of its invasion of Ukraine. “Given the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and the tragic humanitarian crisis, we are pausing the release of theatrical films in Russia, including the upcoming ‘Turning Red’ from Pixar,” a Disney spokesperson said. We will make future business decisions based on the evolving situation. In the meantime, given the scale of the emerging refugee crisis, we are working with our NGO partners to provide urgent aid and other humanitarian assistance to refugees.” Disney was the first of the major studios to pull its movies from Russia. Hours later, Warner Brothers announced it would also delay releasing Matt Reeves’ highly anticipated “The Batman,” which was scheduled to open on Thursday, according to The Guardian. Sony Pictures followed suit later Monday night, announcing it would also pause theatrical releases of its productions in Russia, including its upcoming vampire thriller “Morbius,” Reuters reported. Russia’s overseas movie market grossed $445 million in 2021 per Box Office Mojo, up 83% from 2020, Deadline reported. In 2013, it grossed nearly $1.3 billion.
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