Oma wa ga ba yi o! May D has cancelled his scheduled interview with Ubi Franklin which would have held on his Instagram Live. The music executive had earlier announced the interview with the singer shortly after interviewing his ex-boss, Jude Okoye. Knowing music fans have been anticipating to hear May D also speak after Jude let it all out with Tunde Ednut and himself, Franklin had to quickly inform fans, the interview would hold no more, saying May D claims his management said it wasn’t necessary. But soon as Franklin made the announcement on twitter, May D replied him with a f**k you statement, telling him he knows he doesn’t like him.null Franklin had written; ”The Interview with @MisterMayD Has been cancelled. From a WhatsApp message sent to me a few minutes ago, he said his management Declined the interview after we both agreed. So we won’t be having the May D interview.” May D responded saying; ”Because I know you are on Jude’s side, I know u don’t like me, bro! F**k dat.”
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