Celebrity barman, Pascal Okechukwu popularly known as Cubana Chief Priest has gifted his wife a Benz ahead of her birthday. Cubana on his Instagram page said he asked his wife what she wanted for her birthday and she said a Benz. He shared photos of the whip with the caption, “Asked my woman what she wants for her birthday, she said ‘Get me a Benz.’ It’s few days to her birthday. Congrats Baby. It’s a f**king G-Class of the 63’s. Above all, it’s a freaky AMG, now you can roar like a lioness that you are. I hope she likes it because e no easy to impress rich aunty.”
Adeniyi Johnson has penned a note to his son, Kehinde Taking to his Instagram page to share photos of him...
Chelsea, on Saturday morning, officially confirmed Todd Boehly as the club’s new owner. In a statement via their website,...
Veteran Nollywood actor Emeka Ike revealed that stepping away from the movie industry was beneficial for him. Emeka, famous...