Ex-BBNaija Double Wahala housemate took to Instagram to tell Nigerians in diaspora of how she returned to Nigeria and is still making it. According to her, she ran away from her service year and travelled. After some years, Anto Lecky moved back to Nigeria.
She’s been in Nigeria for the past 3 years, and life has treated her better than when she was abroad. Anto Lecky says she’s on a mission and is still on it.
She hopes Nigerians in diaspora would learn from her story.
3 years ago today, I moved back to Nigeria after running away after my service year
Most things haven’t gone as planned and “being American” honestly hasn’t worked much in my favor like some may think. But I came here on a mission and I’m still on it
Ghandi said “My life is my message.” I hope Nigerians in the diaspora see my life as inspiration to take the leap and come to Nigeria, and I hope Nigerians living in Naij take the country seriously and work to make it better 💚
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