Hollywood actor and singer, Rotimi has opened up on some things that happened before his engagement to Tanzanian music star, Vanessa Mdee. In an interview with Angie Martinez Show on Power 105.1, Rotimi disclosed that he proposed to Vanessa because he was tired of being in the streets. He also revealed that 6 days after they met, they went through their phones and deleted any other love interest there. Rotimi said;
“Being engaged feels like a mixture of everything. I was tired of being in the streets. “I had a good time…but like I got tired of it and she just literally made me have tunnel vision. I never had that. I was always just moving. But that was just like slow down, this is serious. You need to respect it. “Six days after we met, we went through our phones and deleted any other love interests that were there before.”He also recounted how emotional his mum was when she met Mdee. Rotimi said;
“The funny thing is when they first met they both cried. It was the weirdest thing. It was like… a finally moment. It was so weird. They met maybe a month into me and her dating.”
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