Popular Comedian, Okey Bakassi has slammed President Buhari over his recent trip to the UK for medical checkup. The comedian in a video via his Instagram account, noted that no President who loves his country or leading a country with substance travels to another country for medical checkup. He also asked why the President’s doctors cannot be flown in or why the Aso Rock hospital isn’t well equipped. “No President who loves his country or leading a country with substance travels to another country for medical checkup. “We have never heard that Australian President, South African President or even the President of Ghana goes to another country for medical checkups. “It hurts me so much that Nigeria which is known as a giant of Africa doesn’t have a proper medical care system. “All Buhari does is incur more debts for. Nigeria with his incessant travels. The same money they squander in putting together his medical trip to other countries should be used to set up fully equipped hospitals in the country. “Theres no equipment that a hospital needs that Nigerian government cannot buy. This is the same government that wants to build railway for Niger republic and refinery of 1.5 billion dollars. “I think its high time we as individuals in this country wake up,” he said.
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