Popular comic actor, Hafiz Oyetoro, aka Saka, recently celebrated the 16th anniversary of his marriage. The actor, who also teaches English and drama at the Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education, Ijanikin, Lagos, in an interview with a Punch correspondent, disclosed that he met his wife, Olaide Saidat, when he started teaching at the college in 2001. She was a final-year student of the institution at the time.
“The day I met her for the first time, she came to submit her final year project to her department. She studied Mathematics at the college. She looked very quiet and composed. Immediately I felt that she might make a good wife. I had never felt that way about any woman before. The more I looked at her, the more I told myself that I would like to make her my wife.”
Sixteen years after, the actor still could not tell if he had fallen in love at first sight on that occasion.
“I can’t really explain what happened, but I just knew that she was a good wife material. The first thought that came to my mind was to marry her.
“When I made some inquiries about the lady, I learnt that she was the quiet and introverted type. Later I did a little digging into her background. It took some time to attract her attention and to talk her into starting a relationship with me. We eventually got married in 2003,” he said.
On the success of his marriage, Saka said, “The best thing that can happen to a man is to get married to a woman that shares his vision. My wife shares my vision. We have almost the same views about life and she allows me to be in full control of our home. Another important factor is that since I got married I have never had an extra-marital affair. I have never slept with another woman.”
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