The Network marketing firm, Helping Hands International Concept, was created as basic and/or supplementary money earning reward platform. With tentacles spread worldwide, the community of network marketers has stages to accomplish and then encouraged with rewards, monetary and materials.
The platform in its entirety is transparent for all to see. Helping Hands International has proven to be a resourceful avenue beneficial to both its marketers and the discerning public. It has empowered through her many schemes members of the Nigeria populace, giving hope to the seemingly hopeless and encouraging skill acquisition to the Youths. This in effect has made for a more productive society, breeding people of self worth and unbridled confidence.
The Network is charitable, environment friendly and purpose driven. Come February 23rd 2018, marketers will be rewarded with cars, while on queue are promising beneficiaries of same in the nearest future.
Helping Hands International, having stand the test of time, aims to create more wealth amongst the Nigeria populace and hence the need to publicly proclaim the “Gong of Apt Action”. This entails making the proverbial hay while the sun shines. The platform encourages all to make earnings from the side while still involved in things of primary interest.
As we celebrate our awardees, our milestone projection is to alleviate the poverty level of the Nigeria people through our schemes for a better future, healthier society and fruitful living for all and sundry.

Idowu Babalola Photo
Idowu Babalola

Socially Not Social. IG & Twitter - @Idbragga

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