Lagos State Government is to prosecute all those who attended Saturday’s birthday party hosted by Nollywood star, Funke Akindele for her husband. The state Attorney-General, Mr Moyosore Onigbanjo (SAN), said on Monday that they would be prosecuted for flouting social distancing regulation of the state He made the disclosure in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) shortly after an Ikeja chief magistrates’ court convicted and sentenced Akindele and her husband for flouting the regulation. The attorney-general said that efforts were being intensified to arrest all those who attended the party held in Amen Estate in Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos. According to him, all the attendees will be made to face the full wrath of the law. “Once they are apprehended, they will face charges. “Today, the state charged two people to court for violating the Infection Disease Regulation of Lagos State Government. “They pleaded guilty and the court has sentenced them to pay a fine of N100, 000 each, to observe community service for 14 days and to be kept in isolation in a place to be decided by the Lagos State Ministry of Health,” he said.
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