Nollywood actress, Eniola Badmus has struck an ambassadorial deal with the Lagos State Waste Management Authority, LAWMA. Badmus displayed photos of the deal on her Instagram page, saying she is proud to be a LAWMA ambassador According to her, about two months ago, she was at the prestigious headies award show, heel high on the yellow carpet and wearing what she believed was still one of the best outfits. “Alas, the internet went agog speculating on my choice of outfit but really, I love my fans and I believe that commentary is from the place of love. Some specifically mentioned that I looked like a LAWMA staff on the street. “However, those assertions have morphed into an untold success. Today I am a proud ambassador of Lagos State Waste Management Agency (LAWMA) @lawma_gov primarily to lead in adding value to the Lagos State environmental agenda through my talent and platform,” she said. Badmus is grateful to the Lagos State Government and particularly LAWMA management for this unique opportunity.
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