Nollywood actor Rotimi Salami robbed at gunpoint Nollywood actor Rotimi Salami was robbed at gunpoint on Monday night along Mile 2 road in Lagos. The actor made this known via his verified Instagram page. He noted that the traffic robbers broke his car glass with a gun and threatened to shoot if he fails to comply with them. He, however, confirmed that he was not hurt. Salami said: “I am not hurt “In between trailers in standstill traffic… 4 very young boys showed up from nowhere, Broke my car glass with a gun when I refused to whine down. Threatening to shoot if I and my kid brother don’t drop our phones. Thank God I was sluggish to drop both phones, I gave one and while I was trying to disconnect the other and give to them, people showed up and chased them but they flee with 2 standby bikes parked on the other side of the road. “Please note: do not respond to any WhatsApp chat from the number 08051104332. “And please speak to me directly before transacting any business with me this period. “Those boys can do anything with that phone.” Salami also shared a video after the incident. Please watch the video below:
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