Nigerian actress, Damilola Adegbite, has said she has no regrets over her failed marriage. Finding the perfect romance in her fellow actor, Chris Attoh, on the set of Tinsel, Adegbite believed she had found her own fairy-tale. Both actors had gotten engaged in 2014 and welcomed their son, Brian, a month later. They tied the knot on February 14, 2015, at a private wedding at the La Villa Boutique Hotel in Accra, Ghana. Unexpectedly, this perfect haven came crashing down three years into the marriage. After months of speculation and denials, in September 2017, Attoh finally admitted that his marriage to the Nollywood actress was over. In a new episode of WithChude, the actress discussed how her career turned out to be a walk in the park and how she was able to come out of her marriage scandal strong. When the actress was asked about the circumstances that led to the end of her marriage, she replied, “It didn’t work. I learned a massive lesson from that experience and it is that love is not enough. When you meet somebody and you want to spend the rest of your life with them, love is just one of the qualities that you need, but it’s not everything.” She distinguished the popular marriage mentality from hers and how it doesn’t fit into her lifestyle. According to her, “a failed marriage is not the tragedy people make it out to be. Not every marriage is ordained by God.” She reminisces how she had fought and prayed hard right to the end of the marriage and how she knows in her heart that she did her best. Touching on her journey so far with her son, she explained how difficult it had been to answer the questions the seven-year-old had been coming up with. “I know how to maneuver my way through but it’s hard to be able to strike a balance between the truth and what he needs to know.” For her, Brian won’t always be a seven-year-old, but for now, “there are limits to what he can know”.
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