WhiteMoney made this statement during his Dairy session with Big brother. WhiteMoney narrated how he got to know that Liqurose is more intelligent than he thought. WhiteMoney said he sat down closer to Liquoroseand saw how she wrote the scripts for the wager games. Not a dull person can write the script the way she wrote it. WhiteMoney went on to say I only knew her to be a dancer. I never knew she is this good with other things. WhiteMoney also narrated how Tega also surprised him in the house. Some fans were of the opinion Liquorose is the example of never judge a book by the cover. Some fans were of the opinion after he saw her intelligence, he went to meet her for some tips on how to toast a lady. Her intelligence is underrated in that house. What did you make of this? Kindly share your thoughts with us via the comment box provided below.
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