Nigerian actor cum singer, Angela Okorie clears the air about her marriage to alleged lover, Chuchu after their beach wedding video went viral. Late last month, Her fellow actress Chita Agwu Johnson took to Instagram to share photos of Angela Okorie engagement to her fiance — which was a publicity stunt. The actress went as far as “painting” the music video as her official wedding ceremony which trended on social media. In a lengthy post on Instagram, The Nigerian actress said “Baby chuchu” was a strategy for her new song and not her wedding. “Baby chuchu, That was a strategy for the song, Not my wedding madam &oga do ur findings well”” same way some1 paid you madam to write story about I and the Gambian president, you did, Meanwhile there was nothing like that, then I went on background check on you to find out all I needed to know.” She said. Angela Okorie advice the media to perform a proper investigation before putting out information to the public. “I am not married ,it’s a movie”, She added. Watch Baby Chuchu Video!
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