Erica, has emerged the fourth Head of House (HOH) in the ongoing Big Brother Naija ‘Lockdown’ reality show. She takes over from Ozo, whose HOH tenure elapsed on Monday afternoon. The position of HoH is assumed weekly by a winner of the weekly task as instructed by Big Brother. Erica, during her diary session with Big Brother earlier in the day, said it was her wish to be the next Head of House. She said it was because she wanted the assurance of being in the house for another week, as well as the access to the head of the house lounge and other perks.
Nollywood actress, Lola Margaret, who is now an ex-convict following her detention over an incident with the US Police...
Budding disc jockey, Michelle Abesin, aka DJ Michelle, has opened up for the first time after her near-death experience....
Some may have thought that Mark Zuckerberg was only taking Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for fun or publicity. However, he proved...