Hilaria Baldwin has revealed she is pregnant with her seventh child with husband Alec Baldwin, just months after the actor became embroiled in a devastating tragedy when he accidentally shot dead a crew member on the set of his movie Rust. The 38-year-old shared the news on her Instagram on Tuesday, posting a video of herself and Alec, 63, playing with their six children after sharing their happy news with their brood. The announcement comes just five months after Alec’s fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the Rust set, something that Hilaria alluded to in her Instagram caption, which referred to their unborn child as a ‘bright spot in their lives’. ‘After many ups and downs over the past few years, we have an exciting up and a huge surprise: another Baldwinito is coming this fall,’ Hilaria wrote. We were pretty sure our family was complete, and we’re beyond happy with this surprise,’ she continued, before saying of the video post: ‘I’m sharing with you the moment we told the kids – as you can see, they are super excited!’ The post, which Alec also shared on his own Instagram account, went on to reference the ‘uncertain times’ that the Baldwins have faced – including, no doubt, the ongoing investigation into the on-set death of Hutchins last year. ‘Our new baby is a very bright spot in our lives,’ Hilaria – who announced earlier this month that she was taking a break from social media – wrote. A blessing and a gift during such uncertain times. I’ve missed you during my break from social media…I’m back and looking forward to continuing with you this wild journey that we call “life.” Our love to you and your loved ones.’ Hilaria and Alec already share six children together: daughters María Lucía Victoria, 13 months, and Carmen Gabriela, eight, and sons Rafael Thomas, six, Leonardo Ángel Charles, five, Romeo Alejandro David, three, and Eduardo “Edu” Pao Lucas, 18 months. Alec also has a daughter Ireland Baldwin, 26, with ex wife Kim Basinger.
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