Drake, the world-renowned Canadian hip-hop artist, has been named the “Biggest Rapper of the 21st Century” by Billboard. The...
British rapper and MC, Skepta has revealed he would rather be on a Wizkid’s record than asking Drake for...
A couple of weeks after revealing that the album was being mixed, Drake has confirmed that his forthcoming album,...
Last Night, stated that she has a surprise announcement that would come up on Thursday via her Instagram live...
The whole world was amazed when they discover the worth of one of the mattresses of the Canadian rapper...
Drake has just revealed he is dropping a song with Dumebi singer, Rema very soon! This announcement was dropped...
Drake was accused of keeping his son secret because he felt ashamed to have welcomed a baby with a...
Drake surprised fans early on Sunday morning with the release of two new songs, When To Say When and...
Drake has reignited rumours of romance with Kylie Jenner by wearing a sweatshirt from her high school. The 33-year-old...
Any relationship between Drake and Kylie Jenner seems to be back at purely friendship level. There have been rumours...