Comedian, Akpororo, who recently celebrated the 1st birthday of his twins has shared an adorable photo of them on...
Gospel artiste, Sammie Okposo, has finally spoken out on the reason why he blasted Akpororo for performing shirtless during...
Today, Nigerian comedian Akpororo and his wife Josephine celebrate their third wedding anniversary. ‘I’m so happy, it’s just like...
This is probably the most touching and emotional video you’d watch today ad Akpororo surprises friend’s dad with a...
Ace Nigerian comedian Akpororo has gotten a street named after him. He took to Instagram to share a photo...
Nigerian comedian Akpororo is now a proud father as his wife welcomes their first set of twins. The comedian...
Following the release of his hugely successful debut “Ju Dice” which has gone on to become a street anthem,...